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  • Publication
    Experiments on hydraulic jumps over uneven bed for turbulent flow modelling validation in river flow and hydraulic structures
    Francisco Nicolás Cantero-Chinchilla
    Oscar Castro-Orgaz
    Sk Zeeshan Ali
    This study presents a comprehensive dataset comprising multiple data packages derived from laboratory experiments on steady and unsteady hydraulic jumps interacting with a large-scale Gaussian-shaped bed obstacle in an open-channel flume. The primary objective was to accurately measure the impact of hydraulic jump on the free surface and the bed pressure along the obstacle, ensuring the transferability of the results. A multi-process method was followed: designed experiments were recorded, images were postprocessed, and water level data were digitalized. For steady conditions, the bed pressure along the obstacle were measured by piezometers. The repository data are organized and provided in a single package, supplemented by a second package containing panoramas for each experimental time instant and graphical representations of the data, facilitating rapid evaluation of the outcomes. This study provides versatile data that can be utilized in various ways, particularly for fluvial model validation and studying turbulence-driven phenomena in open-channel flows. The detailed methodology presented herein can contribute to the advancement of enhanced laboratory techniques to study similar flow problems. © The Author(s) 2024.
  • Publication
    Turbulent Friction in Canonical Flows: State of the Science and Future Outlook
    Sk Zeeshan Ali
    Quantifying turbulent friction holds significant importance, not only for understanding the fundamental flow physics but also for enriching system performance across a wide range of engineering applications. This vision article presents the state of the science of the turbulent friction in canonical flows, shedding light on its current status through a combination of theoretical developments and experimental observations. First, the article discusses the law of the wall, including the scaling behavior, the possible origin of the logarithmic law, and the effects of wall roughness. Then, it provides an overview of roughness height and its connection with the wall topography. The scaling behaviors of the logarithmic and power laws of turbulent friction are thoroughly appraised, offering insights into their implications. Additionally, the phenomenological models of turbulent friction based on the spectral and co-spectral budget theories are furnished. The behavior of turbulent friction for extremely large Reynolds number flows is examined, based on theoretical models and experimental data. The semiempirical finite Reynolds number model for turbulent friction is reviewed, emphasizing the pertinent scaling laws in various forms. The scaling laws of turbulent friction in curved-pipe and axisymmetric boundary layer flows are discussed. Finally, future research directions are outlined, highlighting the key challenges to be addressed.
  • Publication
    Influence of Bioroughness Density on Turbulence Characteristics in Open-Channel Flows
    Zonghong Chen
    Guojian He
    Hongwei Fang
    Yan Liu
    Bioroughness plays an important role in modifying the velocity and sediment flux near the riverbed. It is therefore pertinent to study the influence of benthic fauna on the bed forms. To this end, large-eddy simulations are performed to investigate the influence of the arrays of mounds and their density on the turbulence characteristics in an open-channel flow. The simulated distributions of the time-averaged streamwise velocity and the turbulence intensity are in good agreement with the experimental data. Four numerical simulations are performed with varying streamwise spacings of mounds. Details of the time-averaged and instantaneous flow velocities are analyzed by multiple visualization methods, and the effects of the bioroughness density on the equivalent roughness height and the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor are quantified. The time-averaged flow in the wake of the mounds is characterized by a symmetric pair of vortices. The mounds behave like bluff bodies, increasing the riverbed roughness and heterogeneity in the flow environment. An increase in mound density is to promote the development of secondary currents and to increase the dispersive stress near the bed. The peaks of the Reynolds shear stress distributions decrease in both the streamwise and vertical directions for the high-density case due to a blockage effect. The instantaneous flow features, in the form of various turbulence structures, are generated near the top edge and the wake zone of mounds. The spacing between low-speed streaks decreases with an increase in equivalent roughness height. Multifrequency behavior that is observed is a result of shear layer roll-up from the edges of mounds and the flapping of wake. Finally, two formulas for equivalent roughness height and Darcy-Weisbach friction factor are proposed involving the bioroughness density and height. The findings demonstrate the effects of the bioroughness on the near-bed turbulence characteristics and sediment stability.
  • Publication
    Universal skin friction laws for turbulent flow in curved tubes
    Sk Zeeshan Ali
    Delving into a century of turbulence research, we have long concentrated on skin friction laws by Blasius and Strickler, especially for straight-tube flows. Yet, a persistent question remains: Does skin friction in curved-tube flows possess universality? Addressing this enduring challenge, we present a phenomenological model unveiling universal laws governing turbulent skin friction, applicable to both rough and smooth curved-tube flows. We find that the skin friction coefficients, denoted by f, follow the inverse three-fourths law, f/α1/2 ∼ k α − 3 / 4 , and the inverse four-fifths law, f/α1/2 ∼ I−4/5, for rough and smooth flows, respectively, beyond certain threshold values. Here, α ≡ D/(2Rc) is the curvature ratio, D is the tube diameter, Rc is the radius of curvature, kα ≡ [(ks/D)−2α3]1/6 is the roughness-curvature number, ks is the roughness height, I ≡ (Reα2)1/4 is the Ishigaki number, and Re is the flow Reynolds number. Below their respective threshold limits, they recover the familiar skin friction laws for rough and smooth straight-tube flows. Our findings are primarily validated with an extensive dataset for smooth flow because of the data scarcity in rough flow. Supported by compelling skin friction data from smooth flow across various geometries—plane curved tube, helical tube, and toroid—gathered through experiments and simulations, our model serves as a potential bridge, connecting the theoretical and experimental realms of curved-tube turbulence.